The original banana diet was developed by a first-class pharmacist in Japan to help her boyfriend lose 37 extra pounds he wanted to get rid of. Using some of the food properties of bananas and adjusting the times, quantities and amounts of bananas eaten to get weight losing effects, the diet was a smashing success. Others heard about it, tried it and got good results. News of the banana diet and how easy and effective it was, began to spread like wildfire. One result was that thousands of people were each losing weight with this remarkable banana diet. Another result was a banana shortage in Japan that lasted several weeks!
So how does it work? And why Bananas of all things?
Bananas have some interesting properties. First off, bananas contain large amounts of a type of insoluble carbohydrate called resistant starch. Resistant starch, ingested in the right way at the right time, has been credited with initiating fat burning within the body and melting away excess body fat.
Secondly, bananas average only about 95 calories each. And each contains only about half a gram of fat.
Third, bananas contain certain enzymes that, when taken at specific times, will speed up your digestion and ramp up your metabolism to high levels.
Combine these features, intelligently, into a banana diet with certain timing and techniques, along with reasonable eating habits and you will be surprised at how easily and rapidly you can lose weight.
You won't lose 10 pounds overnight or anything drastic like that. But losing 15-20 pounds in 30-45 days is common. The pharmacist's boyfriend lost 37 lbs. in under two months. That is now a typical experience being reported.
Just going out and eating more bananas willy-nilly is a formula for weight INcrease. Won't work to lose weight. You have to combine bananas with your regular diet in an intelligent manner, timed and calculated to get the best weight-loss results.
Thousands of people have taken up the banana diet. They started because they saw people they knew, successfully losing weight when they followed the original banana diet rules. Most probably, you can lose weight on the banana diet too, at the same rate, in the same way.
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